Sunday, October 18, 2009

At least it's not the Monday mornin' blues

Another rainy day in heaven. Had great weddings this weekend and met a bunch of very cool people. I had Rolande & Midge yesterday who stayed at the 1833 OFF to speak...Victorian Suite in downtown Mystic as the backdrop...completely dropdead gorgeous!!!
At any rate...touched base (aka email) the mayor of Providence, thinking that if we join forces...maybe we can help out RI in more ways than one when it comes to marrying people. They've just changed some laws and it is racky over there...for any, straight...etc.
What'ya think? :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sat. D.C march...on Gay Marriage

You know...I was thinking on Sat...for the big march in DC...if we can't be there...write letters to the editors of all supporting it Gay Marriage. It's a comin' it or not! :)

Life and let live!



Saturday, October 3, 2009

I need a teacher!

Mother of Mercy...blogging ain't easy...I've got 3-4 going...(NOT SURE :O ) and it's like...who's on first...who's on second! At any rate...todays weddings over at The Daniel Packer Inne & The Mystic Hilton were fabulous. OMG...what fun! ;)

There's nothing better than my job! (aka Passion) :)